Determinants of Output Performance of Cooperative Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria

Author Details

Anigbogu, Theresa Ukamaka, Uzondu, Chikodiri Scholastica

Journal Details


Published: 13 March 2018 | Article Type :


This study examines the determinants of output performance of cooperative farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria using econometric regression model of the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and a production function of the Cobb-Doughlas type. Agricultural cooperatives assist the farmers in their farming operations through provision of farm inputs, credit and extension services. Thus, two variables-provisions of credit and fertilizer use are included in the production function or model to capture the effects of cooperative services on member crop output. Indeed, preliminary investigations reveal that the members obtained much of their credit and fertilizer from their cooperatives. Also included in the model is cooperative member experience which is designed to capture the effect of the number of years the respondent has been a member of agricultural cooperative. All the entered variables - crop output, total credit, credit from cooperative, fertilizer use, cooperative experience, size of farm- except household size, were found to be significant at the conventional 5% level. Therefore based on the findings above it is recommended that the government should complement the effort of cooperatives by providing: Adequate agricultural education and extension services to cooperative farmers to enable them improve on food production. Adequate input supplies, improves crop varieties, good storage facilities among others to enable them improve on the food output. Mechanize agriculture to enhance productivity. A supervised Agricultural credit scheme using cooperatives as a platform.

Keywords: Output Performance, Total Credit, Cooperative Experience, Credit From Cooperative

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How to Cite


Anigbogu, Theresa Ukamaka, Uzondu, Chikodiri Scholastica. (2018-03-13). "Determinants of Output Performance of Cooperative Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria." *Volume 1*, 1, 61-67